The Memento Mori animation is a reinterpretation of S.T. Dupont's iconic "Skulls & Flowers" collection. The Maison drew inspiration from the Latin phrase "Memento Mori," which reminds us of the preciousness of life and the necessity to fully embrace each moment.
Ligne 2 lighter adorned with the Memento Mori pattern and satin black finishes.
Equipped with a double yellow flame and the famous "Cling" at the opening.
Associated refills: Red Butane (REF 000434), Black Flint (REF 900601).
Pre-Orders take 2 days or more to fill, call us at (514)861-7823 for more information
Dimensions: 67 x 37 x 7 mm
Material: Metal
Ref#: C16394