Designed to light the finest cigars, the Le Grand S.T. Dupont cigar lighter in natural black lacquer is the perfect addition to any connoisseur’s collection. With its uniquely innovative twin flame technology, a soft flame gently toasts the tobacco while the torch flame lights the cigar in a perfect circle.
Equipped with a dual ignition system: yellow flame or blue flame.
Associated lighter stone: red (REF 900651) Associated gas refill: red (REF 900435)
Lighter delivered empty of gas, refill sold separately. Screwdriver included to change the stone.
For pre-orders, please contact us directly for more information @ 514.861.7823 or
DIMENSIONS L 6,6 x l 3,9 x h 1,4 cm
MATERIAL Brass, palladium, lacquer
COMMENTS Non-contractual phot